Appointed by Governor DeSantis

Sarasota County is a great place to live–that’s why it’s constantly growing. We need to keep the quality of life high here. We need to invest in the things families and businesses need to thrive: solid infrastructure, healthy businesses, and housing. As an experienced businessman and longtime resident, I know Sarasota County, and I know how to get these things done.

Donate your time. Invest in Sarasota County’s future.

Hear his story.

Support Neil’s campaign. Every contribution helps.


Invest in Infrastructure.

Sarasota County’s population has outgrown its infrastructure, making life difficult for families and businesses alike. Neil won’t rest until Sarasota County gets the updates it needs.

Attract New Businesses.

Neil pledges to make Sarasota County a welcoming place for diverse business interests. He will fight unnecessary taxes and regulations to attract companies across a variety of industries, making Sarasota County the perfect place for young families to put down roots.

Support Workforce Housing.

As a longtime resident of Sarasota County, Neil understands that regional growth can continue only as long as there is workforce housing. Neil will invest in the innovative housing solutions we need for the county to flourish.

Donate to Neil Rainford!

Help Neil get elected! Your contribution will help Neil hire campaign workers, print mailers, and pay for the costs of running a campaign.